tisdag 23 maj 2017

Den Islamska religionens Fantasi

Den 18 juni 2017
Den ofredliga religionen

I read the whole Qur'an, noted every word, every page of the horrible book of hell, I noted 513 threats to others, against all humanity. Every sura in the Quran has an egenda of punishment against us others who absolutely do not want to believe Allah, after reading all the cursed book, it convinced me that it is today's worst hat book, which should be burned.

The strange thing is that so many people believe in this lubrication. But I think it's because of the 1.5 billion Islamists, there are only a few who read the whole Qur'an, WITHOUT THESE PEOPLE, THAT CAN BELIEVE WITHOUT KNOWING WHAT IS IN THIS FRIENDLY BOOK.

And the Imams who wander literally according to the Qur'an are TERRORISTS AND MURDERS, all other Muslims who did not read what is said and what is meant by the words in the Quran are forgiven to believe in this lubrication that should not really be. Furthermore, the Muslim ignorant Imams raise many Muslims to commit murder and terror to our society. We are heading for a bigger hell.
Written by Thore Hult

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Lyssna på ännu en EX-muslim
Sarah Haider

Muslimska Kalifat
Byggs upp i alla länder nu.

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(exempelvis Stefan Löfven i Sverige)
Gömmer sig bakom ordet "Mångkultur".
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Den Islamska religionens Fantasi
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